Carolina DX Association W4DXA

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News Box Archives

added 8/24/2024

American Radio Relay League confirms $1 million ransom payment
Read on

Added 8/28/2028
Former CDXA Member Guy Titman - W4NUS, Silent Key 8/18/2024.
View his obituary
added 4/24/2024

CY9C St. Paul Island Activation planned for August 26 - September 5, 2024

added 1/19/2024

Charless Lewis - KY4P CDXA Member - SK-1/19/2024

View Obituary A little about KY4P
added 9/18/2023

CDXA annually sponsors two memorial plaques

MS USA SSB (W4VHF Ted Goldthorpe / K4DXA Ken Boyd Memorial), and
SOB Zone 5 CW (N4ZC Roger Bert Memorial) for 2nd Place Finisher.
We received the below note from the winners of the 2022 Goldthorpe/Boyd SSB Memorial Plaque.
Subject 2022 CQWW SSB USA M/S Plaque
On Sep 11, 2023, at 8:44 AM, Ray wrote
Carolina DX Association, Thank you very much for your support of Amateur Radiosport through the sponsorship of this plaque! My fellow operators, N3DXX and N8NA and I are proud to be the recipients.
Thanks again and 73, Ray K9RS"
updated 5/11/2023
Click for list of countries that mail service delivery has been suspended.
added 1/19/2024

W3LPL Propagation Presentation

To a talk on "Solar Cycle 25 and Propagation - What to Expect"
Frank Donovan, expert in solar activities and solar cycles and the impact on propagation, will present a talk on Cycle 25 at next week's NCDXA DX Roundtable meeting on Thursday January 25 at 7:30 PM Eastern Time. Please feel free to circulate this to other DX clubs and hams interested in the topic in the title of this email. .
Easy access via Zoom using the link below. Invitation is to everyone. You don't have to be a NCDXA member to participate.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 815 7857 3557 Passcode: 679287
added 10/10/2023
The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army's Radios of the Vietnam Wars by KN4R - Brian Harrison X CDXA member.
updated 8/25/2023

W1AW/4 North Carolina September Reservations

Registration is open to all CDXA members in good standing who will operate from a station in North Carolina.

W1AW/4 operators are expected to observe all FCC regulations, including only operating on frequencies allocated to their license class and at permitted power levels.
Added 7/24/2023
Former CDXA Member Robert Rochelle - W4DAZ, Silent Key 7/16/2023.
View his obituary
updated 5/21/2023
CDXA Member Andy Hawkins - K4GKK, Silent Key 4/6/2023.
Added 5/16/2023
CDXA Member Mark Tarplee - N4UFP, Silent Key 5/15/2023.
A memorial service for Marc will be held at The Learning Commons in Building "L" at York Technical College, 452 South Anderson Rd., Rock Hill, SC 29730 on Saturday, May 20th at 1:00 PM. Please hold Marc's family in your prayers.
added 3/16/2023
added 5/26/2022
Yes, I will be on this DXpedition to Sable Island....CYŘS Sable Island Activation now planned for March 20-29, 2023. See the for current information.
73 Lou N2TU
added 10/6/2022
ZL7-K5WE Chatham Island Story

Click to view the story.

Apple devices may have to download the pdf file and then use their pdf reader to view the complete file.
Added 11/2/2022
CDXA Member Jack Guion - W4JG, Silent Key 11/1/2022.

Service for Jack Guion will be Wednesday November 9th at 7PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church 101 Colville Rd Charlotte, NC. A short reception following the service will be held.
Link to Jack's Obituary and Condolences Page .
Added 10/21/2022
CDXA Member Mike Keziah - WA2TGE, Silent Key 8/28/2022.

Link to Mike's Obituary and Condolences Page .
added 10/16/2022

Click to view more pictures.
added 3/21/2022
Congratulations to the AA4ZZ team for the highest overall score in the ARRL September VHF contest. The AA4ZZ team scored 331,582 points in the "limited multioperator" class out scoring the even the leaders in the "unlimited multioperator" class by over 90,000 points.
The team members were:
AA4ZZ, KU4V, W3GQ, W3OA, W4GRW, and W4MW
Great job!! Art - W1AJT / VE3UTT, CDXA Contest Manager
added 3/6/2022
DX'er and contester Ivan Lysenko - UR8GX - was killed defending his homeland and city Kherson, Ukraine.
added 2/7/2022


Updated 1/25/2022
CDXA Member and Past CDXA President, Bill Turner - W4WNT, Silent Key.
William Nelson Turner, age 81, of Waxhaw, North Carolina passed away on January 5th, 2022. William was born January 3, 1941.

Memorial service for Bill Turner, W4WNT (SK) will be Saturday, Feb. 19th 3:00pm at McEwen Funeral Home-Pineville, 10500 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210.
Link to Bill's Obituary and Condolences Page .
Posted 1/25/2022
Ron Bailey - AA4S, Silent Key (January 20, 2022).
added 12/11/2021
Weather Map link in the header changed to use for world wide information based on your location.
added 12/11/2021
Indexa Award Presentation at CDXA Luncheon Get Together. Lou - N2TU and Gary - K4MQG presented Indexa awards to Dick - W3OA and John - K8YC as they are retiring from their Indexa positions.

Click image to view pictures.
added 12/11/2021
Weather Map link in the header changed to use for world wide information based on your location.
added 11/4/2021
CDXA member Nobby Mills - W4UFO became a SK 11/1/2021.
You can view his obituary
View the CDXA Zoom Session with Mike Walker - VA3MW (10/12/2021)
added 2/26/2021

Countdown to W4DXCC Logo

September 24th and 25th, 2021, Pigeon Forge, TN

Breaking News!

Hello Friends and Club Officials
Please pass along this W4DXCC Convention announcement to your club members and friends.
We are EXCITED to report that the W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention WILL hold it's 16th convention September 24-25th, 2021!
We have an awesome group of presenters this year that I know will interest everyone.
Friday is the Ham Radio Bootcamp where we do our best to provide the knowledge to New and Experienced Hams alike.
Saturday is the main convention where we have numerous well known presenters, giving you the inside scoop on what is going on in amateur radio. Following each presentation we have time for questions if you would like to know more.
We have the leading radio and equipment manufacturers setup in the lobby with the latest gear for you to twist the knobs. More importantly you can have a one on one to ask questions about the gear with the company representative in a relaxed environment. We have a fully operational Ham Shack setup where you can come learn and make QSO's in different modes.
It is time to make your Hotel reservations for this years convention. You can NOT make Online reservations for this event!
Call them on the phone at 865 428-8350 and be sure to tell them you are with W4DXCC to get the special rate.
Convention Registration will open soon including Online Ticket Purchasing. Coming Soon.
Check out the Website and learn about the W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention. Go Here W4DXCC Convention
Best 73
See you soon, Dave Anderson, K4SV
Convention leader
added 6/10/2021
It is with a very heavy heart that we learned today that WA2EMF - Bob Bacharach became a Silent Key. Bob, known by friends as the Godfather of the Ham Radio Mafia, passed 3/30/2021. Bob was licensed in 1959 and was a member of CDXA, W4YCC and YCARS. Bob was also the ARRL Assistant Section Manager for Section 2 of SC. He was an avid contester and a gentleman. He will be missed, please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
View the CDXA Zoom Session with Bob Heil - K9EID (5/18/2021)
Bob Heil is a sound and radio engineer most well-known for creating the template for modern rock sound systems. He founded the company Heil Sound in 1966, which went on to create unique touring sound systems for bands such as The Grateful Dead, The Who and developed the Talk Box for Peter Frampton. Bob today is an innovator in the field of amateur radio, manufacturing microphones for broadcasters, recording studios and live sound engineers. He has won multiple awards and honors. In 2007 he became the first manufacturer to be invited to exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Bob is well known in the theatre organ circles, beginning his career at the age of 15 playing the FOX theatre Wurlitzer in St Louis. In 2014, Bob Heil was awarded an honorary doctoral degree in Music and Technology from the University of Missour
added 5/10/2021
Hello fellow CDXA Members and friends. I received a telephone call from Rosie Lamb that her husband Lynn Lamb, W4NL has passed.
Lynn lived in Maryville, TN and has been a CDXA member for many years. He was one of the founders of the SEDCO Convention which later changed to the W4DXCC over in Pigeon Forge, TN. RIP Lynn - Regards, Gary Dixon, K4MQG
updated 4/11/2021
CDXA 4/7/2021 Luncheon ZOOM session by Ken Claerbout K4ZW on the ET3AA club station.
added 1/15/2021
Lou - N2TU, I have occasionally been asked about Johnston here is a little background on Johnston Island.
The USAF has jurisdiction over Johnston and has banned all personnel, except USAF, USFWS and their volunteers.
Johnston has a sad history. During the Cold War, not one but two, missile tests failed and rained radioactive material on the atoll. Radioactive material was 'cleaned' by the Military and their contractors and dumped in the lagoon or on waste piles on the atoll. These waste piles were covered with layers of coral debris to mitigate the problem. They are still there.
Secondly, chemical warfare munitions were destroyed on the atoll (agent Orange and others). A large facility was built to accomplish this and hundreds of workers were assigned to the atoll. Some of them have attempted to claim disability due to exposure but have been met with heavy pushback from the Government and their contractors. The only remaining structure is the JOC (Joint Operations Center) and that is in disrepair though quite usable.
More recently, the atoll had been infested with "Crazy Yellow Ants"! Yes, that is the street name for anoplolepis gracilipes. (Look it up!) These ants are not indigenous on the atoll and USFWS was tasked to eradicate the CYAs. The CYAs excrete a very acidic substance which gets into the eyes of the sea birds causing them to lose their sight and therefore unable to forage. There have been multiple USFWS volunteer crews on the atoll. These crews live on the atoll, usually for 6 month intervals. They freely roam the atoll and have posted a few YouTube videos of the atoll. USFWS has done a remarkable job and the infestation seems to be at an end.
That is some of the now for the Amateur Radio part!
In an attempt to obtain landing permission, multiple proposals have been submitted to the USAF. Initially, the process appeared to be fast tracked. The USAF was aware of the very positive feedback we received after the Wake Atoll operation. For Johnston, the USAF was given a very contained 'foot print' of our operations. Our set-up would be self contained and restricted to wherever area USAF deemed safe and of short duration (2 weeks). We would be self financed, have appropriate medical personnel with us, and follow the same protocols as the USFWS volunteers for ingress and egress to the atoll. Additionally, we offered the USAF compensation for any USAF supervision required on the atoll. The Amateur Team individually signed a Waiver of Responsibility, which effectively eliminated any chance of legal action for any reason. The Waiver was a Department Of Defense (DoD) authored document which assured the US Government of complete isolation.
Progress moved ahead nicely until a single Colonel objected on the basis of potentially hazardous material being brought back to our point of embarkation(Hawaii) by personnel's clothing and/ or other material. Any assurances given, such as we would follow the exact protocol as the dozens of USFWS personnel and further, we would be under the supervision of the USAF, fell on deaf ears.
Multiple resubmissions were sent to the good Colonel's chain of command, up to an including the Secretary of the USAF in the Pentagon. All were summarily dismissed or simply unanswered.
Literally, hundred of hours have been invested in the multiple iterations of an Operations Plan, Logistics Plan, soliciting personnel for the operation, attempting to get support from US Senator and Representatives (tough going!), issuing Freedom of Information applications, and on and on.
Quick side note. The FOIs, which were issued to obtain the true 'why was the operation nixed' were answered with mostly redacted information. The only information not blacked out was the title of the emails and some small chit chat! Further FOI requests asked for specific documents detailing the hazard potential expressed by the Colonel (There was dialog between the Colonel and other USAF departments). Again nothing of value was forwarded.
Summarized: Using the guise that hazardous material would be transported off the atoll is simply another way of saying, it isn't in their mission. Stating the atoll is unsafe seems disingenuous as literally hundreds of USFWS personnel have lived on the atoll for extended periods, roamed the atoll, dove and fished in the lagoon and even farmed vegetables in the soil. The USAF has a mission and that mission does not include Amateur Radio.
All hope is not lost. Sooner or later, the Johnston will be turned over from the USAF to the USFWS. The Pacific Region USFWS have been open to Amateur Radio operations as long as their terms are met. So if we live long enough, who knows!
Don't ask me how I know the finite details....I would have to deny any and all knowledge!
Best DX 73 Lou N2TU
added 12/30/2020
CDXA Officers for 2021
  • President - Paul Trotter - AA4ZZ
  • V-President - Thomas Wright - N4HN
  • Secretary-Treasure - Ray Weeks - N4APR
  • Cluster Manager - Joe Simpkins - K4MD
  • Contest Manager - Art Tolda - W1AJT
  • QSL Manager - Paul Sturpe - W3GQ
  • Pileup Editor - John Scott - K8YC
added 9/16/2020
CDXA ZOOM session with Gary Dixon K4MQG, who made a presentation at the Dayton DX Dinner in 2018 on his Humanitarian involvement with Amateur Radio.
added 6/25/2020
View a recording of the ZOOM session CDXA had with Jay Slough, K4ZLE, who made a presentation on Sable Island and an update of the DXpedition planning.
NOTE: The video will be black when Paul - AA4ZZ is talking as he had audio only.
added 12/22/2020
Paul W Deyo - N1PD, passed away on 11/26/2020. Paul was a charter member of CDXA. His XYL of 50 years is Becky, N4FAB.
Hayden Bowers, Sr. - K4TAG/WA4CXZ Passed away yesterday 12/21/2020. He was in a nursing home and got infected with the Covid virus and subsequently had to be transferred to the hospital ICU where he died.
added 12/2/2020
CDXA ZOOM session with Gene - K5GS, Presentation on behind the curtain on planning a DXPedition.
Posted 11/26/2020
[CDXAmembers] CDXA Former President, Ken Winston, WA4OBO is SK
Unfortunately I must report that CDXA Member and 1996 CDXA President Ken Winston, WA4OBO passed away yesterday [11/24/2020] at the age of 91. Ken had moved from Charlotte to Bermuda Run, NC in 2018 for health issues and to be closer to family members. His obituary should be available in the Charlotte Observer tomorrow, Thanksgiving day. Link to Obituary .
Ken was one of our really active local DXers back in the 1980-90s with 333 DXCC countries to his credit. Ken was in the Textile business back in the 1980-90s and traveled to Africa often. He was active as TT8OBO and TY8OBO many years ago. His last DX QSO was with Navassa, KP1 in Feb. 2015. The QSO really proved he was a true DXer because he really worked this “All Time New One” on 10 Meter SSB using a coat hanger stuck in the back of his transceiver as his antenna. See the picture in the CDXA Newsletter in the March 2015 newsletter on page 6
I remember Ken being one of the club members that helped out replacing antennas in the 1990s shortly after Hurricane Hugo in late 1989. Ken was real friend and will be truly missed.
Regards, Gary Dixon, K4MQG
Ken was a big and proud NCSU grad, when my son Josh was going to NCSU, Ken was getting rid of a rig, a Yaesu FT990 that he took on many of his worldwide adventures. When he heard about that NCSU still had an active ham radio club, he donated the Yaesu to the NCSU club, through Josh.
His donation certainly helped upgrade the HF station and was really appreciated.
Ken was a great,outgoing friendly guy and will certainly be missed by his friends and family and his ham family.
73 de w4grw Bill
Added 1/16/2020 Thanks to Cliffs daughter who still had access to his moble phone we were able to regain access to the account. Numbers have now been changed to our current treasurer.
You can again use Paypal to pay your 2020 dues.
Posted 11/20/2019
Marge Caselli XYL of CDXA member Wilson Caselli (K1MIJ), passed away November 20, 2019. Viewing will be held at 2PM, Saturday, November 23rd at Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, 9401 S. Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28273. Service will begin at 3PM followed by a reception.
View obituary
Posted 11/1/2019
CDXA Member, Frank Dowd III, K4BVQ, SK
Earlier today, Nov.1, 2019 one of CDXA’s top DXers and my personal friend, Frank Dowd III, K4BVQ passed away after several weeks of illness. He was 92 years old and was an accomplished DXer with 384 DXCC countries worked and confirmed. What an accomplishment.
In 2015 Frank donated a treasure trove of Ham Radio equipment that was the basis for the Carolina DX Foundation being formed to support Amateur Radio DXpeditions through financial donations. Frank was also the recipient of the ARRL A-1 Operator Award for his years of being a great operator on both SSB and CW. He was a Gentleman Operator in all respects.
Link to Obituary .
Celebration of Life ceremony
Myers Park Baptist Church
1900 Queens Rd.
Charlotte, NC
Saturday, November 9th, 11:30AM
Reception will follow
Regards, Gary Dixon, K4MQG
Posted 9/22/2019
CDXA Member, Cliff Wagoner - W3ZL, Silent Key.
CDXA Secretary and Treasurer,

Posted 9/22/2019
CDXA Member, Cliff Wagoner - W3ZL, Silent Key.
CDXA Secretary and Treasurer,

passed away on Saturday, September 21, 2019.
More updates will be posted here when available.

Link to Obituary and Condolences Page at
Raymer-Kepner Funeral Home
Posted 6/6/2019
It's that time again, the VHF Contest Season
The AA4ZZ Contest team will again be on a mountaintop near Boone, NC in EM96, this weekend.
The contest starts Saturday at 2PM Local time, and ends Sunday at 11PM
Please submit your score for Carolina DX Association in the ARRL Club Competition
AA4ZZ will be working 50 MHZ, 144 Mhz, 222 Mhz and 432 & 440 Mhz
As you all know, FT-8 has radically changed the way stations operate in VHF Contests, no longer will we constantly call CQ on CW or SSB in slow times.
We listened and heard your comments that you could never hear AA4ZZ in June and especially September 2018...SO... We have established an AA4ZZ CONTEST HOTLINE 704.412.1310 where you can call us on the phone, and we will make sure we QSY to the band and frequency you desire.
FM Simplex Frequencies
146.490, or 146.520 or 145.550 at Bottom of the hour beginning at 4PM Saturday then QSY to...
SSB Frequencies
50 Mhz +- 50.137
144 Mhz +- 144.192
220 Mhz QSY from 6M or 144 or call 704.412.1310
432 Mhz QSY from 6M or 144 or call 704.412.1310
FT-8 Frequencies
50 Mhz 50.313
144 144.174
220 Mhz QSY from 6M or 144 or call 704.412.1310
432 Mhz QSY from 6M or 144 or call 704.412.1310
Posted 5/14/2019
QSL Service Fee Structure (to change effective May 15, 2019)
ARRL members — including foreign members, QSL Managers, or managers for DXpeditions — should enclose payment as follows:
Through May 14, 2019, the rate structure is: $1.15 per ounce, plus $7.00 QSL Bureau service fee. For example, a package containing 1.5 pounds of cards — 24 ounces, or about 225 cards — will cost $34.60. Please see the information below for additional pricing details. The minimum charge is $8.15 for one ounce or less. DXCC credits cannot be used towards the QSL Service fee.
Effective May 15, 2019, the new rate structure will be:
$2 for 10 or fewer cards in one envelope.
$3 for 11-20 cards in one envelope, or 75 cents per ounce, for packages with 21 or more cards.
[For example, a package containing 1.5 pounds of cards -- 24 ounces, or about 225 cards -- will cost $18.]
Under the new fee structure, there are no transaction service fees.
Any cards received before May 15 will be charged the current rate. There will be no adjustments for cards received before May 15.
You should use an accurate scale to weigh your cards. Most post offices have scales that you may use.
Please pay by check (or money order) and write your call sign on the check. Send cash at your own risk. DO NOT send postage stamps or IRCs. Please make checks payable to: “The ARRL Outgoing QSL Service.”
Packages received with insufficient payment will not be processed until the balance is paid in full. The outgoing QSL bureau does not keep money on account.
Posted 4/28/2019
Donna Turner (KD4QGW) wife of CDXA member Bill Turner (W4WNT),
passed away Saturday April 27th, 2019.
View Obituary - - > HERE < - -
Posted 4/24/2019
Tabitha's (our CDXA Wednesday Luncheon Waitress) husband, Chris McCorkle passed away.
There will be a memorial service on:
Monday, April 29th at 11AM
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
5338 Nations Ford Road,
Charlotte, NC 28207
Posted 4/20/2019
CDXA Member, John Covington - W4CC,
passed away April 17th, 2019.
John was ARRL North Carolina Section Manager from 2000-2006.
posted 4/2/2019
posted 3/29/2017
Big Tarheel Fans.
posted 3/29/2017
Gary (K4MQG) Winner of the CDXA Hamfest Raffle.
posted 3/29/2017
Bill Fisher (W4GRW) Winner of the Yaesu Radio provided by Dennis Motschenbacker (K7BV) at the CDXA Hamfest Dinner.
Posted 2/13/2019
CDXA Member, Haney Howell - K2XN,
passed away on Monday, February 11th, 2019.

Read about Haney's life from the Rock Hill, SC paper 'The Herald' - - > HERE < - -.
PIDXG Press release 'Call To Action'
As you may be aware, our group the Pacific Islands DXpeditions Group (PIDXG) has been petitioning the 'authorities' for permission to operate from
Kure Atoll
Thus far, we have been rejected. All Amateur Radio Operations have been banned from the Atoll. Period!
Not the PIDXG but all Amateur operations. Primarily there is one major roadblock and it is fully detailed in the attached - - > pdf < - - . Read and take Action.
73 - Lou N2TU
Posted 1/6/2019 Greetings Friends!
I just wanted to let you know the K4MD Node is back alive! It went off the air due to motherboard failure on or about 9 DEC 18. I have replaced the hardware and Dave Zeph, W9PA, handled the reinstall of both V4 and V6 PacketCluster software packages.
So, don't be a stranger! Come back as you like. It is there to serve your DX spotting needs. V4 still supports WWV, TALK and MAIL services.
Joe Simpkins K4MD -
Pitcairn Island DXpedition 2019 
A group of 14 operators will activate Pitcairn Island in October of 2019. This will be a two-week, all band, all mode operation with transportation to and from the island provided by the RV Braveheart.

PIDXG Press release 'Call To Action'
As you may be aware, our group the Pacific Islands DXpeditions Group (PIDXG) has been petitioning the 'authorities' for permission to operate from
Kure Atoll
Thus far, we have been rejected. All Amateur Radio Operations have been banned from the Atoll. Period!
Not the PIDXG but all Amateur operations. Primarily there is one major roadblock and it is fully detailed in the attached - - > pdf < - - . Read and take Action.
73 - Lou N2TU
Posted 11/5/2018
CDXA Member, Gary Greene - W2ZV, Silent Key.
Gary Roger Greene, W2ZV - CDXA member,
passed away on Sunday, November 4, 2018 after suffering a heart attack.
Read obituary - - > HERE < - -.
Posted 10/31/2018
CDXA Member, John Lambart - N4ZX, Silent Key.
John Michael Lambert, N4ZX - CDXA member, passed away on Monday, October 29, 2018 at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. John was born on November 7, 1942 in Brooklyn, NY, son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lambert who preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Betty Lynn Lambert and his daughter, Katherine Lambert both of Charlotte as well as his brother, James Lambert of Seabrook, New Hampshire.
Read obituary - - > HERE < - -.
Our Future Begins Here

WSJT FT8 Slide Presentation by W4WNT
Posted 3/26/2018

View the FT8 slide show by W4WNT - Bill Turner, shown at the 2018 Charlotte Hamfest HERE .

For full screen, click the above full screen icon.
A video of the presentation can be found HERE
< ! - -- - >
Posted 10/25/2018
Hello Fellow CDXA and other DXers..
The ARRL has requested that the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC) solicit input from users of current Digital and the new FT8 modes about the possibility of providing a new DXCC Certificate for the FT8 Mode only. Currently all digital type QSOs qualify for the Digital DXCC certificate, but again the question is whether an FT8 only DXCC Certificate is needed due to the popularity of the new mode.
Just a few years ago the ARRL changed the RTTY DXCC to the new Digital DXCC Certificate. Your thoughts on the need for another DXCC Certificate just for FT8?

73, Gary Dixon, K4MQG
Fort Mill, SC
ARRL DXAC Representative-Roanoke Division
Posted 8/29/2017


Posted 4/13/2017
Hello DXers -
Tomorrow, Friday, Paul, W3GQ, and Dick, W3OA, will be activating islands in Lake Norman as part of CDXA's 35th anniversary celebration. Here are the details:
  • Callsign: We will use the Club callsign, W4DXA.
  • Frequencies: We will be calling CQ on 40 or 20 meters, SSB.
  • On 40 we will start at 7.250 and move up until we find a clear frequency. Don't be surprised if we are as high as 7.280.
  • On 20 we will start at 14.250 and move up until we find a clear frequency. Don't be surprised if we are as high as 14.280.
  • We will start at 1500Z (11:00 AM local) and plan to operate for about 3 hours.
  • Location: We will start on island NC059 and then move to NC060. Both islands are just south of Governors Island.

  • Please try to work us on each Island on both 40 and 20 meters if you hear us. Our goal is to get at least the 25 QSOs needed to qualify each island.
    Updated 9/25/2016
    Help CDXA Support DXPeditions by renewing your membership or joning ARRL through CDXA. If your ARRL renewal/membership application is sent to the ARRL by CDXA, CDXA is able to retain a small portion of your ARRL application/renewal dues. Click - - > [ here ] < - - for more information and the Renewal Form to print, complete and and send to CDXA.
    Posted 3/13/2016
    CDXA Hamfest Dinner pictures by Ed - K5EK

    Click on picture to view all pictures.
    Posted 9/22/2015
    Formation of Carolina DX Foundation
    The Carolina DX Association (CDXA) is pleased to announce, effective immediately, the formation of the Carolina DX Foundation, a non-profit organization under the rules of the Internal Revenue Service Section 501(c)(3). The purpose of the CDXF is to support amateur radio DXpeditions through financial distributions....
    Specifically, benefits of DXpedition support by the CDXF include the furtherance of scientific research exploring electromagnetic wave propagation in the high frequency domain, and education through public presentations by DXpeditions supported by the CDXF. Donations to the CDXF are accepted from individuals and organizations, and are tax deductible per IRS rules and regulations. The CDXF is a separate, and separately managed, entity from the CDXA. The Officers of the CDXF will be elected on a yearly basis, in December, by all those who have donated to the CDXF in the preceding twelve months. Initially the Officers are: President, Hal Bouton, N4QT; Vice President, Bill Fisher, W4GRW; and Secretary-Treasurer, Cliff Wagoner, W3ZL. The Officers will make all final decisions regarding distribution of DXpedition donations.
    The foundation of the CDXF stems from Frank Dowd, K4BVQ, generously donating his radio collection to the CDXA several years ago, netting the CDXA over $15,000 for DXpedition donations. Hal Bouton, President of CDXF, says “Without Frank’s generosity, the CDXF would not be possible. We are excited about building on this foundation and adding to it to help fund important DXpeditions into the future.”
    For more information on CDXF, or to make a contribution, contact:
    Cliff Wagoner
    PO Box 577
    Davidson, NC 28036
    Posted 9/22/2015
    Formation of Carolina DX Foundation
    The Carolina DX Association (CDXA) is pleased to announce, effective immediately, the formation of the Carolina DX Foundation, a non-profit organization under the rules of the Internal Revenue Service Section 501(c)(3). The purpose of the CDXF is to support amateur radio DXpeditions through financial distributions....
    Specifically, benefits of DXpedition support by the CDXF include the furtherance of scientific research exploring electromagnetic wave propagation in the high frequency domain, and education through public presentations by DXpeditions supported by the CDXF. Donations to the CDXF are accepted from individuals and organizations, and are tax deductible per IRS rules and regulations. The CDXF is a separate, and separately managed, entity from the CDXA. The Officers of the CDXF will be elected on a yearly basis, in December, by all those who have donated to the CDXF in the preceding twelve months. Initially the Officers are: President, Hal Bouton, N4QT; Vice President, Bill Fisher, W4GRW; and Secretary-Treasurer, Cliff Wagoner, W3ZL. The Officers will make all final decisions regarding distribution of DXpedition donations.
    The foundation of the CDXF stems from Frank Dowd, K4BVQ, generously donating his radio collection to the CDXA several years ago, netting the CDXA over $15,000 for DXpedition donations. Hal Bouton, President of CDXF, says “Without Frank’s generosity, the CDXF would not be possible. We are excited about building on this foundation and adding to it to help fund important DXpeditions into the future.”
    For more information on CDXF, or to make a contribution, contact:
    Cliff Wagoner
    PO Box 577
    Davidson, NC 28036

    Ray Weeks, N4APR
    Carolina DX Association
    5010 Sharon Rd. D 401
    Charlotte, NC 28210
    Website by: